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Client past life stories

Thank you to the following clients who have kindly allowed for their stories to be shared!


A wonderful QHHT session where the client regressed to a past life where he was a young boy who became initiated into the tribe.

The way to become initiated was through understanding that nature and themselves are one and the same. It was then and only then, when he found his place among his people. The client then progressed to the spirit realm, where he spoke to a tree spirit that he, as a young boy in that life time, used to spend time with. Little had he known that the tree spirit was there with him all along, lovingly watching him grow.


A beautiful lesson on connecting, belonging, nature and oneness. 




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Inner Guidance

A beautiful QHHT session where the client connected to her Pleadian Spirit Guides and learnt how to empower herself and others.

In her past life, she learnt the importance of neutralising primary emotions felt at the present time (e.g. fear, anxiety, confusion) by aligning with her soul. She learnt to do this by looking towards the guru within and not looking for any gurus outside of herself - And in doing so, she found connection within herself which then allowed her to nurture herself to her fullest expression.


Such valuable messages to look within and to trust in your own inner guidance.




Universal Support

A fascinating QHHT session where the client went to an Andromedan space station with his very loving Andromedan mother.

There, he received healing and reported his human experiences on Earth through a TV-like contraption for the other Andromedans to monitor the progress on Earth! One even pointed at the screen saying, “There!”, indicating the exact moment when he started on his spiritual journey! They were so excited, happy and pleased with all of the positive progress he’s made!


A beautiful message that we are never alone and that there is love and support coming from all corners of the universe! (Sometimes from places we may not have ever thought!)



To be

A compelling QHHT session, where the client learned to simply be herself and to trust herself.

In her past life, she worked hard in a 9 to 5 job and always did exactly what she was told. But she felt like there must be more to life than this! She shared how she was feeling with a friend but the response was, “This is how it is. Everything is taken care of as long as you conform, then everything is okay”.

And for a while, she conformed in order to be loved. But in doing so, the love given to her was conditional.

This didn’t feel right for her, so she mustered up the courage to trust herself and leave. And this allowed her to beautifully reconnect with herself.


Sage advice, to always trust your inner instincts and to be true to yourself. Because there lies your true freedom.


A bittersweet QHHT session, where the client regressed to a past life where she was a star-crossed lover and learnt the importance of perspective.

She described herself as wearing a tight-fitted bodice with a floor-length dress and on her head, she wore a small fashionable hat that tilted to the side. In that life she was a high class citizen who was very well off but was in love with a man who was below her social status - And so, as that life would have it, they were not meant to be. In one of the scenes, she was riding in a horse and carriage with her secret lover and she felt such a heaviness in her heart that they could not be together. But as she watched him, she noticed he felt only contentment and gratitude that they could share in these small but precious moments.


An important message to be mindful, present and aware of what you focus your energy on - as what you focus on creates the tone of your reality.


Had a captivating QHHT session where the client regressed to a life as a blue-grey being with four toes.

In that life, she was preparing the Earth with many others of her kind, so that the planet could be habitable. She described herself as having skin that was able to adjust to her surroundings, which allowed her to function well in all environments. She ensured that the vegetation on Earth was growing well and that it would be suitable for its future inhabitants. After asking why this planet was chosen, the answer was because it had much potential for growth and learning for the many souls who will choose to incarnate here. Being in that particular body, she came to know that she was telepathic and that without a doubt, she has a universal knowing and connection to all there is.


A resonating message, to trust our inner knowing and connection that we ALL have to the universe. And to remember that connection always starts from within.


An inter-dimensional QHHT session, where the client lived as a fairy travelling through crystals to Inner Earth.


(Very appropriate, as the client works closely with crystals in this life!)

She learnt that certain crystals hold various purposes and that the teleporting crystals’ resonance will decipher the vibration of beings that can travel through them (e.g. crystals with a higher vibration will allow for higher dimensional beings to come through!). She found that because she was of a different vibration, humans weren’t able to see her but were able to see if she interacted with the physical surroundings (e.g. if she threw a rock, then humans can see the rock be thrown). In that lifetime, she was responsible for finding crystals that have been taken (whether unknowingly taken or stolen) and returning them back to their rightful places - thus establishing balance and harmony.


A wonderful message, to recall your energy that’s been scattered in various avenues (work, relationships, stressful situations) and to bring it back to the centre - to bring it all back to you!


A heartwarming QHHT session, where the client regressed to a past life where she was a healer and leader in her tribe.

Her mother was the tribe’s healer and her craft was handed down to the client, as it was tradition for it to follow down the bloodline. She said that the healing just came so naturally to her and that she healed in many different ways - through conversation, listening, touch and energy work! She saw where she would perform her healings; there, she had a whole stash of traditional tribal medicine and apparatus. She also led the tribe in profound ways that focused on the importance of love and the simpler things in life such as community and unity - as oppose to power, division and conquering. In one instance, she even brought back to life one of the women in the tribe who died in childbirth (very appropriate as the client is a midwife in her current life!).


A sweet reminder to tap into our inner healing abilities that we all possess, to remember the simple, yet fundamental things in life and to be rest assured that there is a greater purpose for where we are now.


A curious QHHT session, where the client regressed to a past life in a tribe and then afterwards, went to explore life after death.

In her past life, she was the daughter of the Chief and had an important role in bringing people together. She enjoyed the connection she had with the community and saw herself weaving with the other women in the group. Further down the track, a neighbouring tribe came along and invaded their village, where she, her husband and child died. After this scene, she saw a being made out of light escort her up into the sky, through a tunnel and to a place where there was only light! There, she was reunited with her loved ones and was where she recognised her husband in that life to be her current partner in this life! She also met her spirit guide who showed her her life on a tv-like screen. Her guide explained to her that the “her” in that life isn’t the real her and that life is simply a tool to learn from!


An insightful message to truly know within ourselves that we will be reunited with those who we thought we lost and that in this reality, there is more than what meets the eye!

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